Sunday, July 27, 2008

and the plot thickens...

the famous anus saga has seen so much twists and turns in its plot and it's certainly not over yet. RPK recently wrote another article and posting a doctor's report on saiful which shows no active bleeding, no pus from his anus. RPK then concluded that the report is conclusive evidence that Saiful was not sodomised by anwar.

how easy it would be if things are that simple. while the doctor's report is certainly relevant, it does not disprove Saiful's allegation. the absence of tear/bleeding/pus from the anus does not mean sodomy did not take place. what it can show is that no physical force is used in the act.

what people need to bear in mind is that, for the act to be an offence, physical force need not be proved. and just because force is not used, it does not mean that the act was done with the victim's consent.

consent can be negatived by factors such as threats (of death or hurt), undue influence, mental or physical disability, or if the victim is under the influence of drug or alcohol. this can only be determined after an investigation is completed. This comment on what is written on the medical report from husin lempoyang's blog is really interesting and it shows that sodomy actually takes place...

Monday, July 21, 2008

the puzzle don't look right

well... that's it!!! i'm truly disillusioned with RPK over his article in Malaysia Today regarding an alleged government's tampering of anwar's DNA in the new sodomy allegation against anwar.

1st, its his hearsay SD and now this.... what exactly are you championing RPK? what cause?


i give me the creeps

that's rite. i creep myself out sometimes. it's uncanny how no matter how cliche' it is, history does repeats itself. Be it country, organisations, people ... individuals......yourself too.

we repeat our history, our folly, our weakness time and time again. thing is... you don't realise it's happening... it creeps on you... then suddenly, it knocks u on your head and wham!!! you'd be thinking - how did i get here?!! why did i do that? why didn't i do that? won't i ever learn!!?

most of the time i think i knew the what, why, where, when and who of the matter...

oh hell, i'm so sleepy..... to be continued.........

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Flip-flop anwar

1st it's mubahalah, then his DNA and now the 16th Sept. takeover of malaysian government!!

This is what he said as reported in malaysian insider - "Even if we don't come to power, we will have elections very quickly," hahahaa!!! anwar is such a joker!! he just makes my day...

Conspiracy Theorist: More On AnWar, the Sinner...Illuminatus Agent

Conspiracy Theorist: More On AnWar, the Sinner...Illuminatus Agent

Friday, July 18, 2008

scatterred jigsaw pieces

and the week's not over yet!! its like life imitates art... an episode of 24 playing right before our eyes!! conspiracy theories, dramatic arrests, minimal check-ups, lock-up stay, anwar naked?? heheh... too much information, although the hospital denied any stripping and measuring was carried out. anwar contradicts himself yet again... "minimal check-up", says the lawyer, "i was stripped naked and measured!" says he.

"take my DNA!!" "i refuse to give my DNA", " i will swear!! "only with conditions!! "qazaf!! bring 4 witnesses!!".

and the govt saying "what is he afraid of?", "we'll call in foreign experts"...

well, if anwar failed to be PM, he can always be a script writer. the malaysian film industry could really use someone with such fertile and active imagination. cunning too.

will someone just pluck his hair???? pleaseee!! who cares if he didn't consent! illegally obtained evidence is still admissible you know.

too many issues tho'.... scattered jigsaw pieces that don't fit.... maybe i bought a wrong box....

Imagine how boring life would be without the unfolding saga... NOW PLAYING!!! THE FAMOUS ANUS!! haha

Similar topics see jebat must die and Hard-T

Monday, July 7, 2008

pantun - a form of puzzle

i happened to look up husin lempoyang's blog and his newest post is really funny. pantun style, with loads of sarcasm. i like this rangkap pantun best:

"Misai, tak ada janggut itu kucing
Janggut tak ada misai, kambing
Ada janggut misai Anwar Berahim
Tak ada janggut atau misai Guan Eng"

and this rangkap referring to DSAI

"Dari Islamis menjadi Nasionalis
Keluar penjara, Liberal Imperialis
Prinsip politik terlalu Pragmatis
Lepas istinja masih bacin hamis"

olympia's puzzle

who is olympia? nottingham u lecturer who marks my thesis. and i fail.... ishhhh.... that's what happened when u do your thesis in one week. so i can't graduate with the rest of the class and have to resubmit my thesis. i have 2 months to do it. my dateline is 31st august. wow!!! that would really be independence day for me. 16th september? well, aside from it being malaysia day, maybe that's when i would know whether i pass, the 2nd time around.

hmm.... after i've gotten over the embarassment of failing (no! no! why me???). i have to get down to deciphering what 'the marker' commented so i could improve my original thesis. Basically, too lopsided, too much local content, not enough international content, veeery little reference/quotes on international law works (that's academic works bisu, books! not web articles).

wokeyyyy.... this is tough one. another puzzle.... better start cracking bisu...

don't get sidetracked by all this 'famous anus' new series....... or is it re-runs... heheh

Sunday, July 6, 2008

RPK puzzle II

soon after i post my take on RPK's SD, he posted this article which reaffirm his position of supporting causes/issues and not personalities. i felt somewhat relieved, but the issue of him not revealing his informant remains unclarified.

but, on a lighter note, read this Stat. Dec. spoof by husin lempoyang. nice one...

The RPK puzzle

I'm a fan of RPK. Well, at least some of his articles and postings on Malaysia Today. He always said that he support causes, not personalities. Well I wonder what cause is he trying to support when he made the famous SD on the altantuya murder against the 3 people including Najib's wife Rosmah? Then lo and behold! he refuses to reveal his source and would willingly go to jail for that refusal (read all about it here).

I'm a bit disappointed. The SD is hearsay. It's inadmissible in court as evidence, but it's damaging effect far outweigh any of it's probative value. Any Tom, Dick and Harry could quote a 'reliable' source'. But if the source's information could not be verified (or refused to be verified), then it's nothing more than fiction.

What made it worst, is the effect of the SD on altantuya's family. His father has high hopes for something that would be of use in the murder trial. But, alas.. RPK's SD together with Balasubramaniam's SD had only succeded in muddling the case even more.

one very complicated jigsaw puzzle

I like this latest posting on the altantuya and anwar saga now playing out in malaysia's political drama by jebat, read it here.

The 2nd sodomy allegation against anwar had lead to a very interesting development to the altantuya case and was successfully linked by anwar to DPM. This is one big and complicated jigsaw puzzle, with very misleading and confusing pieces. It's gonna take some time to complete it, or it may never be completed. Some jigsaw pieces are missing (like the PI Balasubramaniam). Poor fellow, he's in way over his head in this one.

More on this jigsaw later.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

jigsaw puzzles

I have a friend who just loves puzzles - jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles etc. etc. She picked up the hobby when she was attached to an agency which requires her to fly often and she did her crossword puzzles while waiting for her flights. It helps to pass the time.

Me, on the other hand would do the puzzles only when there's really nothing else to do. A last resort to keep my sanity. And i prefer jigsaw puzzles. There's a sense of peace and achievement when you complete one. I don't know when i start comparing life or a person to jigsaw puzzles. It felt right somehow. To me, anyway.

Like jigsaw puzzles, a person will search for himself all through life, putting pieces of the jigsaw puzzle in its place everytime he found the right fit. You might start in the middle of the puzzle, or at the bottom, top or from the sides. It might be a slow process, or you might get lucky and complete a whole section fairly quickly. It may be exciting or boring at times, but you have to continue doing it to finish the puzzle, to get the whole picture.

The only catch is... the last piece could only be put in place when you die.... the jigsaw that is you and your life would be complete.