Saturday, February 20, 2010

Malay-counter movement?/ Pergerakan Melayu Alternatif?

This from Lim Kit Siang's blog here. Here's the source - Bakri Musa's take on it. How very cunning and slick..... I know why Uncle Lim is supporting it. Actually a movement that will promote DAP's middle malaysia aka malaysian malaysia policy. What it really wants to do is create an apologetic and guilt-ridden group of Malays to question the privileges provided under the Federal Constitution. Kononnya mereka tak perlu bantuan DEB. Sudah la.. kalau korang kaya pun, semuanya ada direct and indirect consequences of DEB.

Abih Cina-cina kaya tu seme on their own ke? They directly and indirectly get the benefit of DEB also okay.... Tak yah la nak berlagak as if korang tak dapat apa-apa. What you really want is MORE than what you are already getting.. dasar KIASU..

The reason why Malays are still lagging behind in economy? One of them is because middle-men, wholesalers, suppliers, manufacturers of goods and services in this country is still controlled by Chinese and their powerful connections. So Malays can start a business, produce crops etc but if they cannot get supplies, have no one to accept their produce... how will they survive..?

True.. its the implementation of NEP that is a major weakness of the policy.. so.. research that la kalau u ikhlas. Tak payah nak cakap bende basi pasal corruption etc.. kalau korang tak ade offer, takde acceptance k.. Siapa beneficiaries of cronyism yang ko sebok tu? Tengok list 10 orang paling kaya kat Malaysia nih.. Siapa yang tidak directly or indirectly benefit from the policy yang korang kutuk tu?

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