Saturday, June 27, 2009

Daripada Dia kita datang, kepadaNya kita kembali

Ibu kawan baik ku kembali ke rahmatullah sekejap tadi. No warning... mak dia muntah, sesak nafas, dibawa ke hospital dan menghembuskan nafas terakhir. Yesterday, a relative met his Maker. Just a few days ago, adik ku kehilangan janin yang dikandungnya selama 5 bulan, setelah 2 bulan terpaksa tinggal di hospital. About a week earlier, one of my officer's father passed away. Before that two of my staff lost a parent. Not forgetting the recent death of Michael Jackson.

Al-fatihah untuk semua yang kembali kepada Nya. Death comes without warning..... But it is a warning for us...., who should listen....

Semuga Allah menempatkan mereka semua bersama orang-orang yang diredhaiNya.

The Eyes

Looks like the one up there? Hehe.. That's the state of the eyes after one week. The good doctor gave me another 2 days mc. But i want to be in ofice this monday.. Too much to do.. and too much left behind already.. I hope it'll get better tomorrow...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The accident!!!

Here's the photos...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Bloggers Have No Privacy" - Ooopss!!!

No privacy for anonymous bloggers in London here. Hmm.. wonder when that ruling would be followed by the courts here...

Heyy no worry, I'm just small fish.....

Friday, June 12, 2009

Perak saga replayed in New York - Malaysia bolehh!!

Wow!!! Malaysia is First in the world!! Even the USA is second to us if this news in the Star is any indication. Republicans seized control of the New York Senate from the Democrates just like what BN did in Perak. How? its the numbers beb... when the majority is slim, any defections will swing the power to the other side. It seems 2 democrats decided to join the Republican side - deja-vu.... heheh...

Are the Americans going to dissolve their Senate? Lets see how things played out in New York..

When the 'gods' has spoken....

I was really disturbed today. Just when i was finishing up some work and looking through today's mail, i saw a memo from one of the 'gods' 'advising' me to hurry up and settle a long standing matter, just so others might see it as a caring gesture. Bengang.... macam aku tak buat keje... Bagi draf ntahhape, business plan sekeping kertas, proposal pon ntah kemana!! Hampeh betolll laaaaa!!!

Dah la fail warisan... wahyu lagi.... Macam mana boleh lulus ntah.... (actually i know very well why it got through) He thinks its easy to make sense out of rubbish!!!!! Its hard to have a conscience and having to say this is okay, when you know its not.....

Mana nak carik duit selambak so i can leave them to their devices and keep my sanity...... Unfortunately, i got debts all over the place (even someone else's debt that i have to pay)...