Friday, October 30, 2009

AHHHhhh!!!!! 4 hari amik ubat, gula turun more than 2 points. 10 hari amik ubat naik pulak 4 points!!!! Confirm tension punyer pasal!! No, its not work.... it's me..... and my pathethic needy self....

I dont really like me right now...... In denial for so long.... repeating the cycle of self-abuse, self-delusions, desperation......

Oprah is right! U can't loose weight unless u can fix you... the inner you..... N0w i appreciate why God let me be single for so long.. maybe forever.... I am such a great candidate for an abused wife... with the classic characteristics of a counselor - kuman seberang laut nampak, gajah depan mata tak nampak...

I gotta help me!!...!!

Takkan nak tukar amik insulin pulak kot....