I never intended to post about the work i do in this blog.. i wouldn't want to accidentally leak anything sensitive or confidential or subjudice.. But what happened on the 13th may in court and what i found posted on someone's facebook and blog changed my mind. I guess i shouldn't be surprised by the completely one-sided view of the fb and blog owner, but.. seeing the person's educational background.. i must admit it was dissappointing..
This fella was going on and on about kesusahan of having to attend court to face a charge of being involved in illegal assembly... but.. HEYYY..!!! berani buat berani tanggung la..!! Apa makna perjuangan kalau tak sanggup menghadapi akibatnya..??? Takde sapa paksa ko pegi berhimpun secara haram dan buat kacau dengan polis k..!! bangga ditangkap kerana prinsip kononnya.... jangan la komplen pasal susah pergi court to face the charge..!! Takder cuti lagi la, kene amik unpaid leave la....
Dalam bicara baru tau pasal kehadiran sniper (penembak tepat) polis dalam satu-satu unit PORU/FRU. Dia ingat prosecutor tak tau.. rahsia bocor konon.. kalu dia perhati betul-betul setiap dvd yang menunjukkan all 3 PORU/FRU troops tu - seme ada sniper yang dok dekat Commander troop.. and seme pegang M16...!! Goes to show how intent they were on creating chaos sampai tak perasan komposisi troop yang mengawal ketenteraman awam yang ko bagi kecoh tuh..!! Yang dorang tau berdemo jer.. Sana demo, sini demo.. dah jadi profession pulak.
Tapi elok la dia tau sekarang... bagi tau seme orang.. Dah tau jangan pandai-pandai bawak bebudak pergi perhimpunan haram korang tu..!! Jadi apa-apa, korang boleh kene charge under Child Act for exposing a child to danger..!!
Anyway, segak jugak sniper ni kan..! Kan..?
since you ask puan,yeap..memang segak!hahahah!
Komander dia lagi segak..!! hahaha
wawawawawaaaa..ada style btol..dah la sniper..
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