Sunday, July 6, 2008

The RPK puzzle

I'm a fan of RPK. Well, at least some of his articles and postings on Malaysia Today. He always said that he support causes, not personalities. Well I wonder what cause is he trying to support when he made the famous SD on the altantuya murder against the 3 people including Najib's wife Rosmah? Then lo and behold! he refuses to reveal his source and would willingly go to jail for that refusal (read all about it here).

I'm a bit disappointed. The SD is hearsay. It's inadmissible in court as evidence, but it's damaging effect far outweigh any of it's probative value. Any Tom, Dick and Harry could quote a 'reliable' source'. But if the source's information could not be verified (or refused to be verified), then it's nothing more than fiction.

What made it worst, is the effect of the SD on altantuya's family. His father has high hopes for something that would be of use in the murder trial. But, alas.. RPK's SD together with Balasubramaniam's SD had only succeded in muddling the case even more.

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