Friday, February 5, 2010

sodomy II - consent

Aku tak faham la.. the blind devotion yang peminat anwar ada sampai tak nampak rasionalnyer tuduhan saiful dan betapa TAK rasionalnyer sikap dan response anwar.

Paling aku tak suka bila orang persoalkan kenapa saiful tak melawan, tendang anwar bila dia sebut the magic f**k word?. As if kalau tak consent kene terajang, meronta, menjerit etc.. If that is the case, banyak la kes rape kat malaysia ni and other countries kene buang..

Consent atau tidak bukan saja digambarkan melalui physical action atau conduct. A victim may quietly allow bad things to be done to her/him. It does not mean he/she consents to it. A wife does not necessarily fight-off an abusive husband. A child almost never fight-off an abusive parent. It doesn't mean they consent to being abused...

What is the issue here? Why didn't they fight back? It's the hold that the abuser - someone in a powerful/influential position have over the victim. This hold can take many forms - blood ties, marriage, sifu?, idols.... u look-up at your parents, your boss, your boyfriend, your guru... He/she give u stuff, teach u things, make you feel like you're somebody important. You feel obliged, beholden to him/her... as if u HAVE to allow him/her to do what he/she wants to do to you...

I totally understand saiful's position.... but anwar's adoring fans never will...

Biarlah luncai terjun dengan labunya....